Itchy eyes: causes, relief methods and prevention

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Itchy eyes are a symptom that can occur at any time from irritants that enter the eyes, such as dust, smoke, chemicals, and other eye-related factors such as dry eyes. If you feel itchy eyes at any time, avoid rubbing your eyes or touching your eyes with your hands, as this can cause corneal wounds, เล่นเกมคาสิโน UFABET ทันสมัย ฝากถอนง่าย leading to infection.

Causes of itchy eyes

Possible causes of itchy or irritated eyes include:

  • Allergy

It is the most common cause of itchy, burning, tearful, and swollen eyes, caused by various allergens such as pollen, tree pollens, dust mites, mold, pet hair, cigarette smoke, perfume, chemicals, and vehicle exhaust fumes.

  • Infection

Bacterial or viral infections can cause conjunctivitis, leading to redness, swelling, and possibly pus on the eyelids. In some cases, redness of the eye, along with a runny nose, can be a sign of a bacterial or viral infection.

  • Scales

It is an inflammation of the eyelid that may occur when the oil glands at the base of the eyelashes are blocked, resulting in red, irritated eyes, but may not cause any vision or vision problems.

  • Dry eye condition

Normally, the eyes have tears to nourish the eyes, keep them moist and help remove foreign objects stuck in the eyes. But if the body produces too few tears, especially in the elderly, it can result in dry and itchy eyes.

  • Wearing contact lenses

Wearing contact lenses for too long can irritate the eyes, cause itchy eyes, and even red eyes. This is because contact lenses are foreign objects that the body processes as objects in the eyes and should be removed. However, wearing contact lenses can also help trap foreign objects. Therefore, cleaning or replacing contact lenses when they expire is an important thing to do if you want to continue wearing contact lenses safely.

  • Corneal ulcer

When the cornea is wounded due to infection or accident, it can cause dryness, infection, and lead to eye irritation and pus.

How to relieve itchy eyes

If the itchy eyes are severe or chronic, the first thing you should not do is rub your eyes. This will not only not help the itchy eyes to go away, but it may also cause corneal ulcers. Therefore, you should have a thorough eye examination from your doctor to find the exact cause before starting treatment. If the itchy eyes are caused by allergies, your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory eye drops, such as Naphazoline, Ketotifen, Bepotastine, Emedastine, Fluorometholone, and may recommend artificial tears to eliminate allergens in your eyes and increase moisture in your eyes.

For mild itchy eyes, you can apply a cold compress to the eye area with a clean cloth soaked in cold water or a cold compress. For people with itchy eyes from dry eyes, you should increase moisture in the eyes by using artificial tears.

Preventing itchy eyes

Prevention of itchy eyes that should be followed include:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap before touching your eyes, as your hands may contain germs and invisible dirt.
  • Avoid touching your eyes with your hands, such as rubbing them, as this can cause irritation or cause dirt to scratch the surface or cornea , which can cause injury.
  • Remove all makeup before going to bed to prevent clogging of pores or eyelashes . Also, change makeup every 6 months.
  • Clean your contact lenses with disinfectant and wash your hands before inserting them.

Severe itchy eyes that require seeing a doctor

The following severe itchy eyes are warning signs that you should see a doctor immediately for your eye health safety.

  • Itchy eyes do not improve or get worse
  • Swollen eyes
  • Difficulty opening eyes
  • Eye pain or soreness, especially when looking at bright light
  • See the light as a halo
  • There is thick, sticky eye mucus .
  • Changes in vision, such as blurred vision or difficulty seeing
  • It feels like there’s something in my eye.
  • The size of the pupil changes